Our Mission
Salem United Method Church is a joy filled body of Christ which invites God’s people into a connected relationship where they might find acceptance, belonging, trust and unconditional love as they seek to live their discipleship.
Our church is a member of the United Methodist Church, a Christian, worldwide denomination of more than 11 million people. Our denomination holds a number of shared beliefs and theological practices in common, and you’ll find an easy-to-understand, thorough overview of them at the official United Methodist Website.

What sacramental acts do you practice and why are they important to you?

What do you believe about baptism? What happens during baptism?

What do you believe about the Lord’s Holy Supper? Who can participate and why should they?

Who and what is God? What role does God play in our lives? How do we relate to God?

How do you view the purpose the of the Church, catholic (church in general) or otherwise.

What role does Jesus play in our lives? What what the purpose of Jesus’ life here on earth? What was accomplished through Jesus’ death?

The Bible
What authority does the Bible have in the life of your church? How is the Bible incorporated into your ministries?

What does it mean to be “saved” according your congregation. How does one receive salvation?

How do you define acceptance of God’s children in the life of your congregation?

Holy Spirit
What role does the Holy Spirit play in the life of your church? How do you relate to the Spirit?

The Holy Trinity
What do you believe about the Holy Trinity? How do your different conceptions of God play out in your congregation?

What is sin and what role does it play in our lives? How do you address sin as a congregation?

Social Justice
What is our role in building God’s kingdom here on earth? What is our response to injustice?

What is your congregation’s responsibility to proclaim your faith to the outside world?

What role does marriage and family play in your congregation? How does it inform your ministry?

Use this section to list a belief that’s not mentioned in the other sections. Choose an icon that works for you.